Saturday, August 28, 2010


I am ready for Monday and the first day of our homeschool. I have been doing this for two years with preschool but somehow it seems so much more of a big deal with kindergarten.  I cried last night thinking about my baby starting kindergarten.  My husband looked at me and said perhaps I was crying because she is no longer a baby. That may be true.  She is growing up so quickly.

Anyway. I am ready.  Well, mostly ready I guess. We don't have a school room so we will do school in the kitchen and living room. I have a school wall that has a calendar, number poster and alphabet poster on them.  They have been there since last year, however I have new things to put up on our wall.  I am waiting to make those changes until the kids go to bed tomorrow night.  I want them to find the new things up on Monday morning and be excited for school.

I have all of our homeschool books on a shelf in my daughter's bedroom since that is the only place we have room for them.  I have decided to put the things I need each day in small rubber maid tub to have them all handy so I don't have to keep going back and forth to her room all day.

So, now I just wait. And wait.  And wait for Monday.


  1. yay for the first day! We are starting on the 13th and I'm getting super excited :-)

  2. I hope your first day goes smoothly! Just remember that kindergartens is just a baby step above preschool, then 1st grade, a little bit more.
    Enjoy the day!
