Saturday, November 27, 2010

Crazy Busy

Wow, I have really neglected my blog this month.  We have been crazy busy.  We had our youth group fall retreat last weekend and then Thanksgiving.  We spent most of the month getting ready for our retreat.  It was wonderful.  We had a great time getting away with our teens and spending time with God.

We had a good Thanksgiving, too.  Our Christmas tree is now up and we are moving headlong and fast into the Christmas season.  I know we will be even busier and things will be crazier.  Hopefully I can keep up with blogging a little more.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


November 14, 2007 was one of the best days of my life.
Tiger Boy was born.

my new boy




Happy Birthday to my sweet adorable big boy!

Friday, November 12, 2010

November Things

I realized today that I have not posted in 10 days.  I guess I have been busy.  I took a bunch of pictures of the things we have been doing so far this month.  We started a Thanksgiving unit and a unit on the five senses.  
This is our thankful tree.  I made the kids handprints with paint in fall colors. Every morning durning breakfast they each tell me one thing they are thankful for and then we add it to the tree.

We colored a picture of the Mayflower.

We talked about the Pilgrims coming to a new land.

And the Indians who were there to help them.

These are the cornucopias we made.  It was cute hearing Tiger Boy try to say cornucopia.

Our activity today was on this book.
I know an Old Lady who Swallowed a Pie by Alison Jackson

We made an old lady,

and filled her belly with all the things we thought she could swallow.  The kids really had fun with this activity.  They enjoyed finding things for her to swallow.

I forgot to take pictures of us doing things with the five senses that we have worked on. I had it in my mind today, but then Sugar Plum spilled rice that was inside an egg for part of our lesson on sounds all over the floor .  So I had to clean that up and I forgot all about the pictures.


Five Question Friday 11/12/10

It is time for Five Question Friday.  A fun little blog hop over at Mama M.'s blog.

1. What is the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to you?

Um... I would have to say childbirth.  It hurts like crazy.  I had an epidural with my daughter and that hurt.  It was an awful experience just getting the needle in my back.  It was one of the worst experiences ever.  Even with the epidural it hurt to give birth.  I was so proud of myself for giving birth, I thought I was amazing for getting through it.  I quickly learned when I had my son, (no epidural) that the epidural helps A LOT.  Wow, natural child birth HURTS.  I guess I sort of should have expected it since GOD said it would hurt in the Bible and he is never wrong.

2.  How much sleep do you get at night?

I try to get 8 hours, but don't always succeed.  I think my body works best on about 9 hours.  I love sleep the hard thing is I stay up too late after the kids go to bed.  There is just something so nice about the quiet once they are sleeping.

3. How long did you believe in Santa Claus?  How did you find out that he does not exist?

I was 5 and in kindergarten.  A couple of friends told me.  Their family didn't do Santa so they informed me he was not real.  I remember my mom telling me later that she cried when I no longer believed since I was her baby and last one to still believe and she was hoping it would last longer.

4. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?

We took the kids to see Toy Story 3 a few weeks ago at the cheap theater.  It was their first movie at the theater.  It was so good.  I cried.  

5. What do you wear to bed?

I usually wear flannel pants and a t-shirt.  Socks are a must in the winter time.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Back At It

Well, we started back at it again today.  It was nice taking week off, but it also made it hard to start back up.  Sugar Plum asked if we could take another day off.  I laughed and told her it was time for school.  She did enjoy the day.  We did an  activity with candy corn so that made the day nicer for her.  We also started a unit on the 5 senses.  Today we talked about sight.  After talking about how the eye works we spent some time in the bathroom in the dark and then turning on the light to see our pupils move.  Both kids got a kick out of seeing them get bigger and then smaller once the light came back on.