Monday, August 12, 2013

Our School Area

Once again I am participating in the blog hop over at

This week is all about school rooms.  We do not have a school room.  I wish I did but that is not an option for now.  We live in a small apartment but our kitchen and living room is one big room. We do most of our school at the kitchen table and some on the floor and couch.

This is our school wall.  It is right by our front door.  We have our calendar, weather, We Choose Virtues, Flag, Bible verse, and daily schedule.  I didn't take a picture of it but we also have things all down the short hallway we have to the bedrooms.  We have a world map, art work and various posters.

To keep us organized I have the kids use a modified workbox system.  We are lacking in space so each of them has a box like this, that I got a Walmart.

Here is Tiger Boy's box.  The blue folders he has to work with me and the white folders he can do by himself.

This is Sugar Plum's box.  She knows what she needs me for and so I didn't worry about color coding hers.

This is our toy/school closet. It is right next to the table in the living room.

This is the top part of the closet. It has games, craft supplies, playdough, manipulatives, and a remote control truck. :)
The middle section has more games, puzzles, preschool games and file folder games.

The bottom is books, cars, rubbermaid containers of Legos, dishes, puzzles, GI Joes, and animals. In the middle crate holds our library books.

 I also have curriculum on the top shelves of the bookcase in my daughter's bedroom.  She doesn't like this but there is nowhere else for it to go.

Also, in her room is a filing cabinet with extra stuff in it that we may need.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

2013-2014 Curriculum Choices

We started school on Monday of this week and so I thought I'd post our curriculum choices for this year.

Sugar Plum is in 3rd grade, Tiger Boy is in Kindergarten, and Copper Top is almost 2 and into everything. We are using My Father's World: Exploring Countries and Cultures as our core this year.

Sugar Plum's Curriculum

Bible: Devotional, Daily Bible reading through the New Testament, and MFW Bible.

Reading: We are reading books from the Library and doing book reports.  We are also using Abeka Read and Think Skill Sheets 3.

GrammarEasy Grammar 3

Spelling:  All About Spelling We are starting in Level 1 this year to help with some gaps in her spelling. I am really excited about using this with her.

Handwriting: Cursive Connections as recommended by MFW.

MathTeaching Textbooks  She is starting in Level 4 where she tested into.

Geography: Studying Countries and Cultures around the world from MFW.

Science: Studying Ecosystems of the countries we study from MFW.

Music: Wee Sing Music from MFW.

Art: Global Art from MFW.

Tiger Boy's Curriculum

Bible: Devotional and MFW Bible.

Phonics: Abeka Letters & Sounds K5

Handwriting: I made my own booklet from old worksheets I had.

MathAbeka Numbers K5

Geography: Studying Countries and Cultures around the world from MFW.

Science: Studying Ecosystems of the countries we study from MFW.

Music: Wee Sing Music from MFW.

Art: Global Art from MFW.

Copper Top's Curriculum

Anything and everything he wants to play with and discover.  We are reading books, playing with manipulatives, puzzles, blocks, balls, ect.  His favorite thing right now is Do-a-dot markers.

Hop on over to the ihomeschool network to see what other people have chosen for this year.